Data Forge Inc

Your One-Stop Solution for Stunning Designs

Our design tool is packed with advanced features and intuitive controls that make designing a breeze. Whether you're a professional designer or a beginner, our tool is designed to meet your needs and help you bring your ideas to life.

Create Designs with Ease

Our design tool is built with simplicity in mind. We understand that not everyone is a designer, so we've created a tool that is easy to use, even for beginners.

Create Designs for Websites, Mobile Apps, and More

Whether you're designing a website, a mobile app, or any other software, our tool has the features you need to create stunning designs that look great on any platform. Our tool is designed to help you create designs that are responsive, ensuring that your designs look great on any device.

Advanced Design Features

Our design tool is packed with advanced features that allow you to take your designs to the next level. From advanced typography to custom animations, our tool has everything you need to create stunning designs that stand out.


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    Web design
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    Art direction
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    Logo & branding
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    UI & UX
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    Graphic design

Digital & Mobile

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    Responsive design
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    Mobile & Tablet
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    Mobile apps (iOS, Android)


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    Front end & Back end
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    Interaction design
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    Magento, Wordpress
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    Symfony, Laravel

Social Marketing

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    Social Media Strategy
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    Community Management
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    Bloggers & influencers
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    Reporting, live events